nash / projects

Invisible Man

  1. Want You To Feel Something
  2. Walk In The Light
  3. Different This Time / Let You Go
  4. Are We Dreaming
  5. Where’d You Go
  6. The Divide


I disappear like a spirit: I’m here, but you can’t see me.

Invisible Man is about avoiding the noise. It’s about finding a way to make an impact without being in the public eye. Using talents to maneuver through the background of a damaged society. I look around and see the same things from everyone: the way we interact online, the way we deal with controversial topics, the way our attention span prevents us from thinking deeper. Everything is on the surface. This is me taking a step back and finding a different route.

Invisibility is my best skill. I’m right beside you, but you’ll never find me. I’m right here.

About the process

December 14th, 2018 — This is me meeting a deadline. I had bigger plans for this concept, but ran out of time. 2018 is over, and I wanted an album out this year. My discography has almost every year filled, and I had enough material to check off 2018 too. Also, I’m at a different point in my life than I was when I recorded these handful of songs, so I wanted to let them go into the world and start the new year off with a blank canvas.

Here’s the lyrics: 1

The Loop Series

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  1. ## Table of Contents

    Want You To Feel Something Walk In The Light Different This Time / Let You Go Are We Dreaming Where’d You Go The Divide

    ## Want You To Feel Something

    Martha Kent:

    > How can I help you if you won’t let me in?

    Clark Kent:

    > The world’s too big, Mom.

    Martha Kent:

    > Well then, make it small.

    Want you to feel something. I want you to join me so we can build something. Close your eyes and to your surprise, I arrived at the perfect time. Life has its ups and downs, just enjoy the ride. A lot of people talking to you, but don’t listen to them. They’re trying to take your dream from you.

    We got the future at our fingertips. I’m proud of you for dreaming big, but be careful who you share it with, because once they’re aware of it: the fire that you’re aiming for, they’re trying to extinguish it. My mind is a frequency.

    These thoughts spinning. It’s hard to tell the difference from something that’s authentic. Wait, something is off. I can feel it. Something is wrong with y’all image, and y’all don’t even care. Scrolling through life, it’s like y’all not even here. And then I walk away, you didn’t notice I disappeared? Stuck in a world that isn’t here. And I’m not much better, and that is my biggest fear. How can I fix a problem when I’m blending in with my peers?

    ## Walk In The Light

    > Walk in the light. Walk in the light. Walk in the light.

    Welcome. It’s the return of the pilot, Delta. Got my spark back, like a welder. Time will tell, though. Trumpets in the background, I’m just here to help you. It’s a battle cry from a scattered mind, running out of time. Tell me how to find you. I don’t see you on my radar. If I don’t take off it’s a failure. Passion, flashing lights. Nash is crashing on sight like I didn’t see traffic light. What a tragic sight. Man, I almost had it. The magic was in the palm of my hands, but it slipped away. What a crazy way that we live today. You’re old when you think about what kids would say.

    Let me introduce you to the energy. Thank God I’m back with the remedy. Thoughts on my mind, gonna fill a page. Love you even if you’re my enemy. How many y’all gonna feel this way? Feel this way, feel this way…Trying to divide us and conquer the population, but brace yourself. These problems do not define us. Their best shots will not penetrate.

    Went from a nightmare to a bright flare. I’m the beacon of hope that you’re hoping for. I’m the opened door that’ll show you more. Let me go before you. They won’t ignore you. Your passion is real. You love to build. They come to kill, so trust your skills, and hold your ground. There goes the clouds. The sky is opened now. Explosions found. You know me now, and I control the sound. The story’s unfolding, gotta focus now.

    ## Different This Time

    What I give you? I give you all that I got, huh? You either believe me, or you sit back and watch, huh? This feels different this time. It feels right. I been working on this all of my life, or all night. Ugh. What I give you? I give you all that I got, huh? You either believe me, or you sit back and watch, huh? This feels different this time. It feels right. I been working on this all of my life, or all night. Ugh.

    I promise, we gon’ make it out the hard times. If you love me, why you giving me a hard time? My music is never late. I’m on time. When it feels right, this is what you gon’ find. I’ve learned to let go of problems that aren’t mine. I still love you, so let me know if you’re alright…….I put the world on my shoulders recording all night.

    Beautiful music, I give it to you. Either speaking to you, or speaking through you. I’m just the messenger. I know that you’re broken, whatever’s left of you. I’ll connect with you. I’ll try to share something real, to make you feel. Since Hamburger Hill, I been giving my skills to you, to build you. But you haven’t felt it in awhile, you’re so numb to the sound. When someone’s sharing their love, you can’t hear them. I fear them.

    What I give you? I give you all that I got, huh? You either believe me, or you sit back and watch, huh? This feels different this time. It feels right. I been working on this all of my life, or all night. Ugh.

    ## Let You Go

    Initiation. I lift up a nation with innovation. Any time I try to walk away, someone’s asking for my return. I can’t escape it. Disappear with fear. I thought I had something to say. Desperation becomes my reputation. When my thought’s in the basement, you elevate me. Guess I filled up your tank with enough energy, that when I’m low on fuel, you refill mine. I can’t thank you enough. You pick me up when I fall. Feels good to know you’re in my corner. In the middle of war, you are my armor. My second wind is upon us, now watch this as the clock ticks. Rejuvenated, illuminated. All it takes is patience. And your belief, it’s the return of the beast. I never lost it. I was resting in my coffin, through the darkness. Through the darkness, I still find light. Through the darkness, I still shine bright. I still see you.

    > Never gonna give you up. Never gonna let you go. Never gonna say goodbye, No.

    Can’t say goodbye when I’m not finished. My adrenaline is warming up. My ink pen is warming up. My world revolves around art. When the art stops, my heart stops. It’s all sequential. It’s all blended. My life cycle is spinning like it’s a vinyl. I’m caught in the loop. Unintentionally rhyming the words sent to me. Trying to find my balance. I keep leaning. I keep dreaming. I keep seeing the demons, they’re right beside me. My mind, it dominates my life. My heart and my conscious continue to lose the fight. How can I move at night? I’m paralyzed by lust. Desire and temptation control me, I’m handcuffed. Too many bad decisions. Too much blood on my hands. My innocence is lost. This wasn’t the plan. I wanna let you go. My addictions talking to me, I listen, but I’m part of the problem. I’m not the victim.

    > Never gonna give you up. Never gonna let you go. Never gonna say goodbye, No.

    ## Are We Dreaming

    Invisible Man, I got a plan. My silence is strategic. You can’t see me, but I’m right behind you. You can feel breathing. I got a feeling they need me, so I suit up, put my futuristic suit on, then I fuel up, then I peel off. I’m beaming. Are we dreaming?

    It’s a fountain of youth. A foundation I’ve built. A mountain of truth. Keep doubting me. Keep doubting, I’m rebounding your miss shots. Creating vivid stories like I’m Hitchcock. Keep doubting, Your roadblocks are my improv. They never see coming. I attack from different angles. You’re breaking my heart. Where to start? Tell a story for me is a tray from the arc. I’m playing with art. I break it apart, and share it with you. I’m breaking bread. You sound scared. Your voice sounds like you’re playing dead. A chip was embedded inside my head and now the letters connect without me trying. The words flying. Applying what I learned on the curve of Oakshire as a kid. Now an adult, connecting those decades like an echo. Generations of families, all waving from the sky. Looking down as I try, but in disguise, who am I?

    Invisible Man when online. Invisible Man when offline. My silence is strategic. You can’t see me, but I’m right behind you. You can feel breathing. I got a feeling they need me, so I suit up, put my futuristic suit on, then I fuel up, then I peel off. I’m beaming. Are we dreaming?

    This is the darkest hour.The kids on autopilot. Let’s talk about it. Staring at their iPhone compass. Lost and found generation is off to college. I’m carving out a legacy. Let me see what I can do about it. Just a student of the mind, and the music is hobby. I feel an obligation to protect the younger versions of me. From the nursery to the circled ring that I skated on. To the basketball courts that I played on. Trying to protect my siblings from Avon Barksdale. Spinning in circles, getting our maze on. This is what scribbling on the page does. Our differences make us amazing. I’m in the business of making changes. Making an consistent impact on the babies. So, I’m on the way. Hold on, we’re gonna make it. I’m either invisible, or the pivotal moment. The sky is open. I’m either the chosen one, or I found peace, and It’s out of my control then.

    Invisible Man, I got a plan. My silence is strategic. You can’t see me, but I’m right behind you. You can feel breathing. I got a feeling they need me, so I suit up, put my futuristic suit on, then I fuel up, then I peel off. I’m beaming. Are we dreaming?

    Do you, do you..Do you know me? Do you know me? Help me Obeywan Kanobe. You’re our only hope. I noticed that the noise is getting louder. Your pride is getting prouder. You don’t hear what I’m saying. You’re just waiting for your reply. In the darkness I hide. Vigilante. Got a feeling your opinion isn’t changing. It’s complacency and anger. Our enemy’s a stranger that we never met, but we get upset ff they say something we don’t agree with.

    It’s the return of the rapper. In background, I’m back now, I black out. The bomb shelters at Nash house. I’m just here for your safety. See Your ear is amazing. If you hear what I’m saying. See, they’re geared to replace me, so I’m steering away. Just know you’re not alone I’m building a basement that’ll shield me incase, and then I’m sealed and I’m safe. I’ll appear in some years, Brendan Fraser. In the future, I’ll be your ace in hole. Nash.

    Invisible Man, I got a plan. My silence is strategic. You can’t see me, but I’m right behind you. You can feel breathing. I got a feeling they need me, so I suit up, put my futuristic suit on, then I fuel up, then I peel off. I’m beaming. Are we dreaming?

    ## Where’d You Go

    > Where did you go when I needed you. Where did you go when I needed you.

    A spark of genius. It’s caught between a lost soul, and a boy that’s feening. What I got in store, you think that I’m near completion, but 20 albums later, I’m still increasing. It’s a reinvention. Complacency, I can’t comprehend it. Every breath that I take is another line to my story, another sentence. Another family member in prison, another sentence. It’s musical chairs. The one that’s standing from the last song is now the new family member that latches on, to the back of the toxic rocket that’s blasting off. Trials and tribulations were practice for him. What happened to him? It’s just circulation of tragic moments. Yea, that’ll do it. I became a master to it. I’m just hanging on for my life. I’ve learned to not point fingers, because I’m not perfect either. I’m just searching for the words that’ll work and make the hurt easier than it currently is, then disappear.

    > Where did you go when I needed you. Where did you go when I needed you.

    Disappear like a spirit: I’m here, but you can’t see me. The nonbelievers can’t see me, but they can feel me breathing. I’m closer than ever. Close to the devil. Close to the heavens. Close to not knowing which direction is left, so write. My soul connect with a life like yours, and I protect it. You’re a mirror of my reflection, when I see you. I see me. Invisibility is my skill. I’m right beside you, but you’ll never find me. I’m right here.

    A trailblazer. A pathfinder. It’s Hellraiser, mixed with the mask of Michael. It’s Nash. Join me at the crash site. Bring a flashlight. Spent most of life figure out things that come natural to you. It’s always been an uphill climb, but I’ve adapted to it. My calves got bigger. My strength increased. Now look at my intensity.

    ## The Divide

    I see the critic in you. You’re giving your opinion and your feedback, they don’t even listen to you. The division’s really getting to you. Echo chamber, you ride the wave. Comments go up in flames, you hide your face. Like a fish out of water, I’m out of place. Instead of sharing my thoughts, I isolate. We’re not safe anymore, it’s time to pray. All the humans emotions are pouring down my face. I’m confused, all my friends are different races, and inspirations come in all colors from different places. I see both sides, you’re all family. Don’t abandon me, Black Panther, humanity.

    I been thinking about vanishing. I can’t handle this. Society’s divided more than ever. Use my power for good, but I feel paralyzed. The revolution will not be televised, television’s telling lies. Social media is everybody, at one time, screaming back and forth, and they never hear the other side. Open your eyes, you’re all color blind. Instead of insulting, understand there’s different cultures. We were all beautifully sculptured.

    I been waiting on my opportunity, but the older I get, the more that you’re losing me. I been losing my voice, but I’m not losing my skills. Your life’s a highlight reel, and slowly, it ruins me. I been waiting on my opportunity, but the older I get, the more that you’re losing me. Can’t compete and I don’t want to. I’ll disappear and show up the way I want to. Use my power for good the way I want to. The way I want to. 

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