nash / projects


A breakdown of the projects created each year.


Music — This has been a very quiet year for me. Even though I released three new albums—When The Satellite Fell, Chasing My Ghost, and The Illusion of Progress (the most I’ve ever done in a single year)—there has been hardly any discussions or promotion for them. Most of this music was made prior to 2020. Ghost and Progress were recorded last year, then released in February and June. Satellite was recorded this year in March, and then released in September.

Photos — There’s a photoblog for each month. Pictures taken with an iPhone, telling my story throughout the year.

Videos — A basketball video, three videos that captured our roadtrip to the Grand Canyon (one, two, three), and another video that captured a roadtrip to pick up my dad after seven years.

Books — I released a poetry book titled For My Brother that captured many stories, from a dream, to a testimony, messages from others, to all the lyrics from the four songs that made the album.


[Place holder text until previous years are added.]

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