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Things: A Task Manager

There’s only one thing I love more than being productive, and that’s studying productivity. It started with reading the Getting Things Done book, and then it followed by trying every task manager app I could find. I enjoy making lists, a little too much, and I love organizing tasks and projects, giving me a zoomed in view of the current important tasks, as well as a birds eye view of everything I have going on.

OmniFocus is my absolute favorite task manager app, but in this current season, I’m using Things 3. Cultured Code, the developers behind Things, has built the most beautiful and delightful task manager I’ve ever seen. Whether my day is full of tasks, or the day is empty, either way, it’s a pleasure each time I open up the app.

Also, Chris Bowler at The Sweet Setup has reviewed Things. If you’re interested in learning more about the app, give it a read.

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