nash / projects

The Unfollow Button

Every social network has it, but I don’t think people use it enough. My Instagram has zero followers. My Facebook feed only has a handful of friends. My Twitter feed only shows me a select group of people and websites that I want news and information from.

My point is this: YOU can decide what you let you into your life, and what you let into your life can often define who you are. If you like pictures and gifs of cats, you can have your entire news feed show cats all day, every day. If you like cooking videos, that’s ALL you have to see. And if you ever see something you don’t like, guess what? UNFOLLOW BUTTON. You don’t have to reply back to that person letting them know that you don’t like it. You simply press that little magical button that erases any existence of something you don’t like.

Let’s continue: if you like Popeyes, and Dominos, and 10 other food places, and they’re that important to you, you literally can ONLY see that ALL day.

And my main point is this: you have to ask yourself, do you like drama, do you like feeding into the world’s problems, and do you enjoy being upset? If the answer is yes to any of those, then never use the unfollow button. It’ll pour into your life daily.

If you’ve accepted friend requests for a decade now, and if you’ve liked a couple of Public Pages, then there’s noise all around you. And you’ve yet to do anything about it.

Imagine every post you see online, but instead, it’s someone knocking at your door and handing you that information. Maybe it takes that analogy to put it into perspective. You can choose who knocks at your door. You can choose what information reaches your heart. Good or bad. It’s totally up to you.

This is a long rant, but it’s important for me to say, because I see what social networks do to some of you. There’s hate, and anger, and drama, and noise. But you can turn it down. It doesn’t have to be that way. Whatever you enjoy, fill your life with that. Don’t be upset with someone when they post something you don’t like. Just unfollow them, and without ever telling them anything about it, wish them well.

That’s a life hack that will enhance your day in every way.

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