nash / projects

The Little Brick From Bolivia

So simple, but so powerful. It’s just a brick, but that brick was gifted to me from a little church 3,648 miles away from my home. From a church that was built from people that I personally know.

This little brick comes from Bolivia. From the church that was built there a few years ago. The note comes from my friend Chip, thanking me for the money that I originally raised for myself to go, but then backed out at the last minute. That money was then given to him make his trip possible.

I need your help. With ideas. Comments (maybe vote by liking the best comment on the way this should be displayed). I want to turn something that already means a lot to me, into something I can put on display and not just be stored away and hidden. It deserves to be seen.

About the Bolivia Mission Trip

Bolivia is the poorest country in South America. With its lack of resources it is hard for pastors to grow their congregation beyond someone’s living room. Consequently, it also makes it hard for the church to play a credible social roll without a building. This is a strategic plant that has the potential to win thousands for Jesus. We will build it from the ground up and serve in anyway we can to help set the new church up for success. We will minister to the children in the area through VBS. Our team will also have the opportunity to preach the Gospel and minister to those in desperate need of love, healing,encouragement and the hope only found in Jesus Christ.

This is a wonderful video that will give you a glimpse of what it’s like.

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