nash / projects

You Need to Rest

A few months ago, I had plans set in place. To close out the fourth quarter strong. October, November, December. There were music videos ready to release, three books, an album, a weekly podcast, all ready to go. I was prepped to start releasing YouTube videos regularly. I had other smaller plans in place, like starting a book club with a small group of people, and traveling to Missouri for 10 days. I was also going through depression, seeing a counselor, and bunch of other things all at once, while still keeping everything together. Still staying on track to complete the year the way I planned. I had it all under control. Each project was strategically lined up to knockout through the quarter. It was my grande finale. Then something changed.

It must’ve been from five different people, without talking to each other, but all had very similar words on their heart to say to me. They didn’t know my plans. I usually keep all that private. They simply just wanted to share something with me. It started with my friend Renae from church. I walked up to her for prayer, and before I could even say a word, she whispered in my ear, “I have a message for you.” I got excited thinking it was from someone I like, thinking some good news was coming my way. I responded, “From who!?”. Her response: “Jesus.” I replied, “Oh.” “He told me to tell you to rest.”

I was talking to my dad a week or so after, and telling him how I break the year into four quarters, and I’m about to approach the fourth quarter. I told him I was prepping for it, and it’s going to be some big months ahead for me. He followed up with something similar to what Renae had told me. “I’ll tell you what you’re gonna do for the fourth quarter.” I got excited again, thinking he had a brilliant plan in place for me. He knows how my mind works. His response: “Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You’re gonna rest. Until January 1st.” Several other people in my life, without knowing, all nearly said the same thing. I took it as a sign. ‘Well, I guess I need to rest.’

We’re in November now, and I have been resting. Doing about 90% less than what I usually do on a daily basis. (Although, my dad wasn’t expecting the news on October 1st, when I told him that I bought a motorcycle. “Didn’t I just say to do nothing.” I told him that this well help me do nothing. “It’s just me and the bike now.” He laughed.)

I’ve been reading a lot. I bought a gaming system and been playing video games to let my mind rest. Just doing things to relax. I’ve been trying my best not to create as much. It’s an urge that I have to fight every day, but as you can see from these words, little ideas and plans still sneak through. But…I’ve been resting. It’s made me a much better person because of it.

We all go through life trying to do things, and fix things, and solve all the problems the day throws at us. I’ve learned that problems are like the whack-a mole game, and it doesn’t matter how many of those problems you solve today, new ones will be there tomorrow, showing their head, waiting for you to react. It’s a never ending race.

So I took this fourth quarter: October, November, and December — and I’ve set out to do as little as possible. To clear my calendar and task manager. To have days that are completely free from any agenda.

“You need to rest.” Those words stay on my heart now, and I’m happy to say that I feel more rested and refreshed than I have in years. I guess it’s working.

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