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Poetry: Self-Aware (10/01/19)

I’m more self-aware. Had to self-repair. Had to rebuild myself. Had to focus on my health. Now I’m well prepared. Meditation and prayer. I find balance. What is top talent if you’re not happy? Fallacy, I rather peace. I look around: too many casualties. Love who you are, and love your circle. That’s my virtue. I know this is bad, it could be worse too. Perspective will help you through it all. It takes losing it all to know what’s really important. I don’t want it all anymore, just give me a portion. I was self-absorbed, that’s why I lost them. I just wanna go deeper in life. Thief in the night. Increasing my sight. I see more in a week now than I’ve seen in my life. My vision is fixed on receiving the light.

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