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Own Your Weird

I just finished reading the book, Own Your Weird by Jason Zook. It’s an easy read, and I highly recommend it. “An oddly effective way for finding happiness in work, life, and love.” A lot of what he writes about confirms how I’m already living.

We don’t have to live life the way people think we should. We’re allowed to take different routes and use different approaches. The traditional way isn’t the best way anymore. There’s advantages that each one of us have. Those differentiators. Use those.

Whatever makes you unique. Whatever makes you insecure. Whatever sets you apart from everyone else. That’s your leverage in this world. Don’t try to blend in. Blending in is the same as vanishing. Use what makes you different as your superpower. More than anything else, live your truth. And tell it. Tell your story. Nobody else has YOUR story, so use that. Own your weird.

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