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Happy Mother's Day

Today is your day. The day that the world recognizes the strength it takes to be a mom. As I’ve grown older, I’ve gained more and more respect for you and everything it takes to raise kids. And you’ve done it since you were 15: that’s not only a full-time job, but a full-life job. You’ve always been a mom, and I appreciate you for always being there for us.

You’re beautiful and special in so many ways. You’re creative with all the little projects you work on. You’re resourceful and show us how to make the most with what we have.

All five of us, your kids, each one of us, we all have unique and beautiful personalities. Different from each other, but at the same time, we share you. We share the things you’ve taught us. You gave us life, and you helped mold us to become the people we are today.

For everything you’ve done for us, all the big things, and all the little things too, it definitely doesn’t go unnoticed.

I’m very thankful to call you Mom.

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