nash / projects

Helping Leroy

You don’t know who Leroy is, but he’s a friend of mine, and he’s been involved in my life for some important moments during these past few years.

To name a few:

  • My Zone: he’s the one that filmed this music video. He used the equipment that Full Sail University offered to him while seeking education. He gave me my first music video, and captured me while performing, something that’s rare for me. I could never repay him for that.
  • Another Me: He’s the reason one of my most popular songs online exist (it’s also on the album I just released today). The song is about him, and I wrote it for hours with him sitting next to me, discussing what every word should be (the full story of this song is here).
  • Most importantly, he’s the reason I was able to see my Nanny during her last week of breast cancer treatment, and he’s also the reason I was able to see my grandmother while she was in the hospital, right before she passed away. He drove me to Texas, without thinking twice about it. It was nothing for him. People don’t just pick up and drive 5+ hours for someone, but he did, and I’ll forever be in his debt.

Need your help!

Leroy just found out that he can’t graduate on June 5th, as he was expecting to, until a debt of $3,704 is paid.

Imagine that you were all excited to finally be done with school, or maybe it’s your child, who’s finally about to graduate and walk across stage—and then an email arrives stating that it’s not happening. Graduation is cancelled for you, now pay up.

Here’s some of his details for you to read, but most importantly, here’s the link to help him to graduate college and give the world more creative projects.

Good people with great talents shouldn’t be punished, so let’s see to it that we help him out, even if it’s just a dollar. He’s done so much for me already, the least I can do is share this with the people that follow me.

My name is Leroy Verdin , independent student, aspiring actor, and future filmmaker. Regardless of all the risk, acting is my dream and I will continue to pursue a career in the film industry to become a professional working actor. However, along my journey, I decided to further my educaton by achieving a degree at Full Sail University. It has been an experience and I managed to get through my program to earn my Bachelor of Science degree in computer animation.

I am one to work and give my all for everything I do, but for the last few months I wanted to focus on finishing up my classes so I may graduate. Now that I am done, and was scheduled to exit my program on June 5, 2015 (my graduation day), I received an email stating that I can not reach graduate status and get my diploma until my past due balance of $3704 is paid in full.

Consider helping out, either by donating or by simply sharing this post. Thanks!

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