nash / projects

A Gym

I have this vision of a gym. A gym that would be used for a variety of things. It would have an office, and a stage, and a basketball court, and the mission would be to bring the community closer in fun and creative ways. Here’s how.

  • Creative Minds: creative consulting, weekly open-mic nights, kid’s learning centers, and so much more. Draw, paint, spoken word, build Legos, sing, crafts, play instruments, etc. Whatever creativity looks like that day, this would be the home for it.

  • Basketball: basketball camp for kids, nightly pick-up games, and weekend tournaments, where the proceeds help fund local outreaches around the community. Teaching the fundamentals and beauty of basketball to the children, while giving a safe and welcoming atmosphere to everyone else.

This is a vision that’s been on my heart, and this is me speaking it into existence.

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