nash / projects

Find Ourselves (Music Video)

Facebook post:

Here’s the second look into the new album. This song is called Find Ourselves. It’s about being lost and hurting, in a world that struggles to identify and help those people. These people usually look just like us. Most likely, they are us. But the world moves on, as if we’re all doing fine. “I just wanna be ok. That’s a prayer by itself.” Those are my favorite lyrics that I wrote for this song. It’s so simple, but it means so much. Our prayers don’t need to be extravagant. “I just wanna be ok.”

Six people contributed to this song: production from Ocean, poems from Emily, a message from Drew, singing from Kristal, vocals from myself, and of course, Sariyah, the leading cast of the music video. In the song, when the poem says “alone”, the video shows Sariyah alone. When the poem mentions fearful, in the video, Sariyah’s scared. None of this was intentionally placed this way, it all just fell into place when I loaded the videos into the editor. And then at the end, there’s one long clip that has zero cuts and edits, but still, somehow, the lyrics matchup and align with what she’s pointing to perfectly. When I noticed that, I stopped editing immediately, and considered the video complete. It was meant to be this way.

This is from my upcoming album, The Illusion of Progress. It’s almost done. I hope you like it.

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