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Become Your Biggest Fan

Become your biggest fan. Whatever it is you do. Even if nobody else cares about it. You care. So get excited about those things that you care about.

Examples: your parenting skills, your writing skills, your handyman house skills that keep everything running smooth in your home, your singing skills (in public or in the shower), your efficiency at work, your cosmetology skills, how fast you clean your house, your time at the gym and the progress you’re making, the way you budget, your fortnite dance moves, your strategic planning when running errands, your jump shot, how fast you can read, your optimism during resistance. These are quick examples that I didn’t spend time on trying to make a perfect list. And that’s the point. Whatever it is. All the mundane, as well as all the big things that make you special or unique: be a fan of that, without outside affirmations—just yours. Enjoy them as if you’re someone else, receiving this gift from the person that did it. If it’s part of your day, and you spent time on it, be excited about it.

Remove the need for approval and likes from others, and be the best version of yourself, without thinking about who’s watching or caring. It’s simple: becoming your biggest fan in life, changes everything for your mindset and the way you approach your days.

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