nash / projects

What I Have Is Enough

I recently bought flowers for my apartment. I never thought I’d say that. Three little succulent plants, sitting on my window seal. It was only a few months ago when I moved into this small apartment, and since arriving, I’ve been very intentional about making this place minimal with character. The size, layout, style, and even location, represent me more than any place I’ve ever lived.

I’ve been enjoying my new morning routine: wake up at 5, turn on Hillsong Radio (Pandora), get dressed, and then go for a run through the city. I then get home, shower, and walk to the local cafe to eat breakfast and drink coffee with a friend. Afterwards, I walk home in silence, enjoying the ambience of the morning. This is my time to be thankful for the big and small things in my life. Waking up early, instead of getting more sleep, allows me to be proactive with the start of my day. Watching the sunrise, getting a good exercise and breakfast, and completing all of this before 8am, has changed my perspective on how beautiful life can consistently be.

It’s been almost a year now since I went part-time at my job, and it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Now, I work four days straight, and then I’m off Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday of every week. Because of this, my quality of life has increased, and my energy towards more projects have significantly gone up. I feel like I finally have the proper balance for working, creating, personal life, and family time. I don’t feel overwhelmed anymore. I’m thankful that I have the right amount of time to be a better employee, writer, friend, son, and brother. This is definitely the best version of myself.

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