nash / projects

Cross Church

Year One And Two

Cross Church has only been around for a total of three years, but today (January 28th, 2017) marks the two-year anniversary for me attending. The first time I went, they were in a movie theatre: it was so unique and refreshing, and ironically, the message was on raising money, so they could have their own church. Some people would be turned off by this as their first impression—but for me, and with Pastor Brandon’s sincerity and vision, I walked in on something that felt big for our community. Vision means everything to me, and I gravitate towards people that try to see further than only what’s in front of them. Immediately, Pastor Brandon Bilbo was someone I admired and looked up to. His humility, humor, and stage presence pulled me in, and even to someone that barely went to church before, I haven’t looked back since.

My first day attending Cross Church was only meant to be a one-time supportive gesture to a friend who asked me to join him, as he had just gotten out of rehab, but that one day changed the entire trajectory of my life. Cross Church is a combination of knowledge, peace, joy, and relationships that are second to none, and I’m excited to know that this is only the beginning.

Year Three

It’s been three years since I started attending Cross Church. It’s also been 20 months since I’ve tasted alcohol, but the Cross Church milestone is much bigger.

It’s weird to think about life before Cross Church: before having such a strong foundation of friends and mentors, before small groups, and before having weekly services with Pastor Brandon pouring into my life. These things are as important as oxygen to me now.

Letting go of alcohol wasn’t something I had to do, but it felt like a good representation of where I’m currently at in my life. I like this version of myself that doesn’t drink, and as a small group leader, I now hold myself to a higher standard. There’s people that come to my groups that might be struggling with alcohol, and I hope to help them.

The best part about my three years at Cross Church, though, is what it’s done to the people around me. By me simply going to church every weekend, my siblings now go to church every weekend. Not because I announced that I was going, and not because I asked them to join me—I just went, and slowly, they went too.

My brother and his whole family attend every weekend now, and my little brother sleeps at my house on Saturday nights, because he wants to go to Cross Kids the next morning. He packs his Lightning McQueen bag with sleeping clothes, church clothes, and a fidget spinner.

If you’re reading this, and we met through Cross Church, thank you. Your presence in my life, and in my family’s life, isn’t taken for granted.

Year Four

When I look at my life, I see someone who’s leading a group of 40 people, serving on a reach team, hasn’t tasted alcohol in over two years, and who’s family is next to him every Sunday morning during service. I know something bigger is going on, because I’m not that good on my own. It started four years ago when I walked into Cross Church. The momentum has been building ever since. Pastor Brandon and his team continue to equip me with the tools needed to live a successful life. Each week, I show up, take notes, and find ways to turn those notes into results. As I reflect and count all of the blessings around me, I know that I’m right where I need to be.

Year Five

Currently writing about year five now.

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