nash / projects

Be The Light: Premium Hoodies


Be The Light

It’s actually really simple. We make it complicated.

There’s people around us, every day, that we usually just walk pass, with a simple hello and a smile, but we’re not making an impact on their lives. We’re not showing up the way we truly can. Our potential is so much greater than that. There’s broken people. There’s creative people. There’s people that are leaders but were never given a true opportunity to be a leader. There’s people that we meet daily that have an infinite amount of potential, but have shadows of doubt looming over them. We have a special opportunity to bridge that gap.

Three words: Be the light.

Four different colors:

Through the good, and through the bad, we have an opportunity to change the environment around us. Be the light.

Mission Gray

Infinite Blue

Minimal Gray

Dark Gray

The shirt design was inspired by Janea’s Say Yes To Being Fearless shirt. They both were designed by Amanda Trosclair. I appreciate both of them for everything.

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