nash / projects

Apple Watch: Fill Your Rings (and build good habits)

It’s 12:32am. I’m in New Orleans for the night, and I just filled the activity rings on my Apple Watch (red: burn at least 800 calories, green: exercise for at least 30 minutes, blue: standing up and moving around for at least 1 minute during 12 different hours in the day). I had until midnight to reach 800 calories. I ended up burning over 200 in that last hour. Before then, I was stressing, thinking I would break my ongoing streak. There I was, in a neighborhood I’m not used to, but had nothing but the rings on my mind. I knew it would only take a burst of energy to complete another day of exercise, so I left the party I was with, and went for a run to accomplish this. It’s weird and rewarding at the same time. At about 11:56pm, I received the notification: Congratulations! You filled all of your rings, 19 days in a row.

It feels good to know how important my health is to me now, and I feel like this is just the beginning. I want to build good habits, and keep pushing myself to reach new goals. On that note, I realized tonight that I currently have four streaks going:

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