nash / projects

15 Ways That I’ve Changed Things Up Lately

In the past few weeks I’ve switched things up a bit. I’ve been doing things a little different. I knew I needed different results, so I started taking action on areas that are important to me.

  1. I’ve been doing yoga classes lately.
  2. I’ve recorded music at a different studio than my usual.
  3. I’ve been reading deeper books than I usually do, as a seek wisdom and knowledge from people much smarter than me.
  4. I’ve been highlighting passages in these books as much as possible, so they’ll be collected on this site.
  5. I’ve been eating less.
  6. I’ve reduced my bills even more than before. Bare minimum
  7. I’ve been doing as many pull-ups that my body allows in a day.
  8. I started taking my depression and anxiety medicine again.
  9. I started making my bed each morning.
  10. I started running the Twinspan bridge near my house, a two mile process with an intense incline.
  11. I bought an Xbox One X and spend about an hour a day, therapeutically playing No Man’s Sky.
  12. I’ve been weighing myself every morning, watching the body weight and body fat % continue to drop.
  13. I’ve been quietly journaling on my site, just a paragraph, all throughout August.
  14. I’ve been having very honest and open conversations with people I trust, about important questions that I’m beginning to have.
  15. Most importantly, I’m expecting. I’m expecting changes and something big to happen. I’m expecting a breakthrough very soon.

What kind of changes could you make today to your daily routine that’ll improve your life just a little bit?

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